So today is St. Patrick's Day. The day where people wear green and pinch those that don't. The day where Irish heritage is celebrated and shamrocks are everywhere. It is also a day that the namesake and history of is often forgotten.
Brief History: Patrick was a kidnapped from Britain when he was 16 (which was around the 5th century) and sold into slavery in Ireland. After 6 years he escaped and made his way back to his family. Once back in Britain, he joined the clergy and then decided that God was calling him to take the gospel back to Ireland. So he set out and began his missionary work in Ireland. By the 7th century, St. Patrick was the patron saint of Ireland.
The history of this day makes me wonder about our willingness to listen to the calling of God. Are we willing to follow God and his plan for our life even when it makes us uncomfortable? SurelyPatrick was not planning on returning to Ireland when he escaped slavery, but when God called he listened and obeyed. Manyof us listen to God's voice, but few of us actually obey. There is a difference. We have all been wounded by people, whether it be emotionally, physically, verbally, etc. We have all been hurt. But sometimes it is the people that are the hardest to love that need it the most. And sometimes it is the hardest to talk to that need to hear the good news the worst.
God does not intend for you to live a comfortable life. He told us to "take up our cross daily and follow him." The cross is not comfortable. God is calling you to step out of your comfort zone. He could be calling you half-way across the world, or He could be calling you across the street, but he is calling you. Will you merely listen and stay put? Or will you listen and obey?
Patrick listend and obeyed. Look how God used him. So... what will you do?